Freemason Regalia

The Masonic Shoe/Masonic Blue Slipper

The Masonic Shoe also called the Blue Slipper is a symbol that represents the physical confirmation of a spoken deed or bond. In ancient times, when you remove your shoes and give it to someone, yo...
Freemason Hats

Masonic Hats

Masonic hats are worn by Masters of lodges as a sign of their rank and status. This tradition goes back in time. The hat worn by a Master is a reference to the crown that was worn on the head of Ki...
Freemason Regalia

Masonic Shirts

Question: Why do Freemasons wear Masonic shirts? Answer: Freemasons wear Masonic shirts for the same reasons that they wear Masonic rings, cufflinks and other Masonic jewelry and apparel. They wea...
Freemason Gloves

Masonic Gloves

Freemason gloves are worn by Freemasons. Some of them contain the Freemason emblem of square and compasses while some do not. This is because some jurisdictions do not permit markings on Masonic g...
Freemason Jewelry

Masonic Jewelry and Regalia

Masonic Jewelry and Regalia Masonic jewelry and regalia include rings, pins, aprons, watches, clips, hats, tools and other items containing Masonic symbols. They serve as a form of identification ...